Drawer Launcher is a unique launcher that gives you easy access to your apps in an organized way.
Top Row:
Click on the search, date, clock and battery displays to launch the app of your choice.
These are chosen by going to SETTINGS found by sliding out the navigation drawer
from the left.
Scrolling pictures:
Swipe to the right or left to scroll through all your pictures. These are chosen from
your photos library by going to Settings found by sliding out the navigation drawer
from the left. The pictures will randomly rotate each time you leave the home screen
and then return after launching an app. This feature can be turned off in SETTINGS.
Choose the seven most used apps to display in the dock. These are chosen by going
to SETTINGS found by sliding out the navigation drawer from the left. These apps will
"light up" when a notification is received.
Swipe in from the left side to access the navigation drawer.
Apps can be arranged in convenient folders.
Clicking on the folder in the navigation drawer will display the apps which can be
launched by clicking on them.
The colors of the folder names and the background of the apps can be changed.
In addition, you can choose if the navigation drawer folders remain open after
returning from an app that you had launched.
Swipe up from the bottom to reveal all of your apps.
Look and feel can be customized.
Assign apps to Gestures that work on the home screen:
--- Swipe up
--- Swipe down
--- Double tap
--- Long press
--- 2 finger swipe up
--- 2 finger swipe down
Customize the look and feel of the app by changing colors throughout the launcher